All Is Calm, All Is Bright...
All is calm, all is bright doesn't exactly describe my life right now...
2016 has been an unusually difficult year. My husband lost his job of 30 years and has struggled to find new employment because of his age. My Father passed away, and several other somewhat unexpected things happened that take time to work through and recover from.
Those who know me best also know I really always try to be positive about life and just roll with the punches but my usual "Suck it up Buttercup" motto is a little difficult to live up to just now. So, I went searching for that one little sliver of hope that seems to be somewhat elusively slipping around the next corner I am always running to turn.
My search is not too terribly long or arduous because it inevitably begins and ends with the same Book I have sought help, comfort and clarity from my entire life. My search abruptly ends at one beautifully simple phrase:
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given" (Isaiah 9:6a).
How are these words helpful inserted into the dead center of the upside down world I find myself in?
The most obvious answer--at least to me--is that the coming of the Christ Child heralds hope. In a world of darkness and despair and upside down "ness" there's hope. In the midst of insecurity and anxiety--of loss of loved ones and loss of jobs--the Christ Child comes to give hope and comfort and stays long enough to also be the Savior of the world--through the sacrifice of His life on a cross. And for all of us who are His true followers that's the best news in the history of all news. Ever.
But as I look specifically at the Christmas Story, of the couple--Joseph and Mary--so much more than just a "simple" story is revealed. This young couple was cast off by their families and all who knew them because Mary not only conceived a Child out of wedlock but this Child was not even Joseph's, her betrothed.
I am impressed and astounded by their perilous journey to Bethlehem--miles and miles of nothingness riding on a donkey or walking--hunger and constant fatigue likely very familiar traveling companions. Yet they miraculously pushed forward, knowing their part in God's plan was crucial.
I can't imagine how weary they were, how discouraged they should have been. Did they wonder why us? Did they fully understand what their purpose was? Or did they want to give up, take another route because it was just too hard? We can't know those answers but we do know the outcome. God told them what to do and they did it. No matter how hard the journey--they did it.
Then to arrive at their destination--tired--worn--seeking a place just to lay their heads only to find there was no place for them except a stable filled with animals. Can you imagine how Joseph felt because he could not offer his Mary a soft, comfortable, private place to give birth to the Child Who he would--with loving obedience--raise as his own?
There had to be a mixture of despair and comfort knowing they had--in spite of all the roadblocks in their life--been obedient. There had to have been times when their journey was anything but calm or bright.
This lowly couple took on all the difficulties and trusted that the end of their journey would be worth it whether or not God revealed why He had chosen them or why it was that their unique journey was so very, very difficult.
This lowly couple took on all the difficulties and trusted that the end of their journey would be worth it whether or not God revealed why He had chosen them or why it was that their unique journey was so very, very difficult.
Their willingness to obey and follow God's leading is the turning point for all mankind. The fact that they did not travel the difficult road alone--that God was truly with them--gives me hope and comfort to know that the same God Who was with them on their journey is with me on mine.
Although my unique journey cannot have the significance theirs did it has significance in His grand scheme of things and that makes it worth all the despair and hardship and beauty and pain. Through it all, my part in God's plan is crucial too. And so I-as all Christ Followers must--journey onward until He calls us Home.
Thank you, Lord, for that silent night, holy night so very long ago that lights our way to a calm and bright eternity with You.
Merry Christmas to you all!
Although my unique journey cannot have the significance theirs did it has significance in His grand scheme of things and that makes it worth all the despair and hardship and beauty and pain. Through it all, my part in God's plan is crucial too. And so I-as all Christ Followers must--journey onward until He calls us Home.
Thank you, Lord, for that silent night, holy night so very long ago that lights our way to a calm and bright eternity with You.
Merry Christmas to you all!
Copyright 2016
Jackie Deems